The Road Closing scene analysis

The Road Closing scene 


The lighting in this sequence is low-key which creates a high contrast between the brightest parts of scene and the darkest parts. This gives an authenticity to the scene and a sense of realism for the audience. It also provides an atmosphere of despair which compliments the dreary tone of the scenery.Although, the lighting also looks as if all the color has been drained as there is a grey tinge to the scene, this reflects the mood of the setting as there is not life or happiness, just survival. 

A shot reverse shot is used between the young boy and a woman who wants to take him in. The boys face is apprehensive as he has never trusted another human being apart from his papa. 


The boys costumes are significant as he is wearing over sized and worn clothing. This is used to show the little resources that the character has as the hat is obviously not his size but he wears it anyway to stay protected from the cold, harsh setting. He has wrapped himself up in blanket, this is to make the character look vulnerable and innocent as his father has just died and his is using as a sense of security. 

The boy looks longingly at a dog, this is the first time that this character has seen an live animal which links back to the opening sequence as he stares longingly at a stags head. This could perhaps suggest that these people are have a high sense of morality or else the dog would have been eaten. The boy and the women are in close proximity with one another which suggests that the boys trusts the women and will now follow her. 


The ambient diagetic sound of the waves slowly clashing against the beach compliments the atmosphere of the scene, it is a calming relaxing sound that present the audience with connotations of peacefulness and nature. This is significant as it shows the equilibrium of the film, that the ending is as "happy" as a post-apocalyptic media piece can be.

The beautiful non-diagetic music really brings reality to the sequence, through the quite piano music the audience can convey sadness and loss from the boy, but also a sense of hope and humanity in his future. The music gets louder as he speaks to the kind looking women which really amplifies the emotion of the scene.


First, a medium shot is used to showcase the corpse of the father and the boy lingering over him. This shot lasts for 51 seconds as the boy talks to his dead father. The reason the shot is consistent throughout this time is used to add a sense of reality and to produce emotion from the audience as they are watching it from a very personal angle.

After this an over the shoulder shot is used, it follows the boy until he meets with the other survivors. The next shot is a medium shot of the lady and the camera slowly moves its way down to another over the shoulder shot.

A close up shot is used when the women mentions the boys "Papa," this is significant as the audience is allowed to see the boys sadness but also his distant feelings, especially towards these other people. The boys apprehensiveness reliefs it's self when a medium shot, that is also a point of view shot is used to show the other children and the dog. This is important as the boy has never encountered other children nor animals before. It could foreshadow that the rest of his life will be vastly different from the one he lead with his Papa. However this ending is ambiguous as the audience is left with an enigma of what the boys future will hold. It makes them question; Are these good people? Will the boy survive and be happy? We will never know and will not find out, the audience is just to assume that these new people aren't murderous, rapist, canniables. 


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