Mise-en-scene and props planning

Planning of mise-en-scene and props for the opening scene 

Scene 1

This will be in the protagonists bedroom, he is unaware of that the apocalypse has happened as he wakes up dazed and confused. We will use pills boxes, needles and alcohol bottles to show how isolated the character is. It will also show how his current life is messy, chaotic and unhealthy. 

The pills in use are Co-codamol, codeine Phosphate and Aspirin, these are painkillers. As the character has no medical reason to take these, he does it for the high.
Amitriptyline is used to treat depressive symptoms, again suggesting the characters lost state of mind. The other box in fluoxtine which is used to treat major depressive disorders and panic disorders. Here the protagonist is a counter type of what a post-apocalyptic "hero" should be, however due to this we have humanized him and made him a character some audiences can emphasis with. 

Scene 2

There will be a change in location but will still be the date will be the same as he is travelling to his mother house to make some sense of his situation. There are not many props used in this scene however, we have made two types of clues to the narrative, One is a small newspaper and the other is a missing poster, both show the violence that has erupted however the poster is more subtle. 
Here is the process we went through to make the newspaper, it was made on Microsoft word as well as gimp. Our group have been very cautious about this because it is not perfect and will lack a certain credibility that real newspapers have. In the shots we will also try and make the name of the paper "The Sun" not evident for copyright reasons.  
This is also shoved through the letter box of the house the protagonist was trying to get into, this poster doesn't outline much of the narrative and creates enigma's the words "Worried she may have been attacked" suggests that there is a inclination that violent things where happening in the world whilst the protagonist was in a lost haze due to the alcohol and drugs he had been taking. 

Scene 3

The wallet is an item of significance as the protagonist will look at the money and throw it away because it has no worth in the world they live in. Instead they pick up a lighter which is very valuable because it can provide alot more than money can. This will show the juxtaposition of the world we live in, where someone would rather have a wallet full of notes than an old lighter.  

 The female character will be walking with this old rucksack on, i have filled it with a blanket so that it appears to be full and will add a few more bits hanging off it to show how long they have been traveling. This bag is very old and worn which will complement the mise-en-scene because it fits in with the post-apocalyptic world. Some dirt had been applied already to show that its been there awhile since it has been clean, however more will be added upon filming for a further effect. 
The next props used are the old mess tins and traveling mugs, both appropriate items used for people who are traveling in the world as it would be luxurious for them to have plates and also impractical. 

Scene 4

A small compact pen knife will be used, it will be shoved to the lead actresses neck as a threat. This type knife is appropriate as it is used for survival. Although it is not very sharp it could still hurt someone if stabbed.
A few props from the scene above will be in shot like the bag and also there will be bin with fire in it as the protagonist warms his hands on it. 


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