The Narrative of out post-apocalyptic fim opening

The Narratives

  • The story starts showing a depressed, disorientated man, it will be shown through a pan that he has taken many drugs and downed himself in alcohol.
  • He has received a text from his mum, sent three days ago, in the text it is shown she is worried.
  • The protagonist then gets out of bed, confused and curious he heads outside. He finds that the world is abandoned. A newspaper flutters past him, the title explains what has happened in the characters lost days. 
  •  He figures out that the meat people have been eating, is humans from over-populated countries that big companies have been labelling as beef. Luckily, the protagonist is a vegetarian and has not been affect with addiction and infect that the majority of people have now succumb to.
  • In a state of worry the man takes out his phone and rings his mother, after a view brings the line goes flat. The flat line is a sound bridge that moves on to the title of the film.

  • The scene has changed, the protagonist is in a wooded location. It is apparent time has passed, through his dirty clothes and changed appearance. He is now accompanied by a female.
  • They are travelling along the forest and they see a dead body, they walk over to it and take pick up the money but throw it away as it is meaningless.- this is the item of significance.
  • To their surprise they find a lighter, they flick it and a flame erupts. The camera zooms into the flame, and provides a graphic match to the next scene.

  • The camera zooms out of a fire, to see the characters sitting around it looking distant and disinterested. They murmur a conversation.
  • They hear a distant rustling, but don't inspect it.
  • A rugged bandit approaches them (Shown through at POV shot), shaking (Showing that they are a cannibal) and tries to attack and loot them.
  • The male protagonist fights back, resulting in the bloody death of the bandit.


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