Costume for the post-apocalyptic film

Costumes for the post-apocalyptic film- Planning 

First costume- Male Protagonist
  • Tracksuit trousers
  • Old Jacket
  • socks
  • He then puts trainers on when he leaves the house

Second Costume-  Male Protagonist (Change of scene)
  • Camouflage coat 
  • Cargo trousers 
  • Wellington boots 
  • Small Camouflage hat 
Third Costume- Female Protagonist
  • Winters hat
  • Glasses
  • black coat 
  • Old boots
  • Camouflage trousers 
  • No makeup and uncombed hair.
Fourth Costume- Bandit
  • Balaclava
  • Dark jumper and trousers
  • Dark shoes

Fifth Costume Dead body
  • Black jogging bottoms and top
  • Black unpolished boots
  • blood on face/ Bullet wound
  • The under of her eyes will be darkened and her face will be made paler:
Here are some pictures of the clothing we already have prepared, of course upon filming we will add some dirt. However, we are going to use these clothing and the majority of them are quite worn so none of them look new. For example, the black coat is faded and the boots are extremely scuffed.  


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