The Book Of Eli closing scene analysis

The Book Of Eli Closing scene


The protagonists costume is significant as he is dressed in all white which makes him look almost angelic which mirrors his faithful and committed character and even presents him as the messenger of God that he is implied to be. He is now baud and clean shaven, this physical change to his appearance makes Eli look younger and untouched by the cruel world that he had to endure, it almost looks like he is preparing himself to go to heaven. 

Endless amounts of bible pages that Eli has mouthed out are a significant prop as it shows Eli's decadaction to his faith, bring able to remember the entirety of the Holy book. In the next shot the bible is now being printed as Eli must have finished his task, there are multiple being printed showing that the bible can now be given to all people that need it and that it isn't to be kept in isolation with Eli anymore. In a later shot the bible is placed on a shelf with all the other religious books, it makes it just look like another book added to a collection. It fit perfectly in the space showing that the man was waiting and hoping for it to be there and that he re severed a spot for Christianity. In the few shots Solara puts headphones in whilst listening to Eli's music device, this is a parallel to very early on in the film and perhaps is used to show the similarities through Eli and Solara as she now brings a new hope to the world as Eli did.


In the closing sequence there is the use of multiple dissolves, this is to show that time has passed between the shots and progress has been made. The most significant dissolve is from the bible to the white flower, this is significant as it this suggests that the production of the bible has made an new found life as seen with the flower. The flower again dissolves into the protagonist, Eli's grave linking the flower to him, almost as if he is responsible for faith and life being returned to the world, Another significant dissolve is at the finish of the film as solara is walking through the wasteland and only she fades away, showing she is going on a both physical and spiritual journey with her new found faith. The shots are slow and steady to establish and equilibrium in the film and make the audience feel both at ease and satisfied with the ending.


The non-diagetic music called "The purpose" has a very calming quality, it is very atmospheric and peaceful. This music is used to establish that now that Eli's task is complete his body and soul are at rest. So Eli's emotions and state of being reflect the slow soundtrack which is used. 

A voice over from the protagonist Eli is used, it starts with "Dear Lord, thank you for giving me the strength and conviction to complete the task you entrusted to me." Eli's faith is obvious throughout the film and these last words he says in the film are to God. They are to show his holiness and that  he was a beacon of faith for the dystopian, ruined world that was left after the war. Him dying to return faith almost mirrors what Jesus did in the bible, he died for humanity, while Eli died to give people humanity.


A huge range of shots are used in this closing sequence. For example, the camera zooms out from an close up of clean shaven Eli into a birds eye view shot that pans the room, ending with Solara asleep on a chair. This entire movement is significant as it shows that Eli has been reciting the Bible from memory for a vast amount of time, due to the sheer amount of pages that have been written.
Many close up shots are used to outline the significance of what is taking place but also to emphasis the ending of the narrative. There are many intricate details shown through extreme close ups of the bible and the stamps/machines that are producing the Holy books. One in particular that is important is when the camera is looks at a few words in the bible, the words are "in the beginning." This could imply there is a new beginning due to faith being revived in the world. The camera also zooms out of a close up of a flower, symbolizing a new pure life.

A long shot is used of the man walking to place the bible among the other religious books, this shot is significant as the lighting looks as if the man has an angelic glow because of the background light contrasting with the dark room.


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