AS Preliminary Task

AS Media Preliminary Task


Overall the preliminary task was done successfully, it matched the criteria by having an action match, a shot reverse shot and we didn't break the 180 degree rule. Filming was enjoyable as it was interesting to experiment with different camera shots, however editing took commitment to achieve the final product. It was fun to add a transitional fade between the two scenes, showing a change in location whilst reserting to color from black and white to represent the change of location and mood. An intermental of "mad world" was used over the entirety of one, scene and whilst it wasn't perfect it complemented the narrative, I also used a quite suspense music, to add a dramatic atmosphere to the second scene as there was a sense of enigma to the plot.

The location was not perfect as it had building work happening in the background, the trees and park location did not feel like a credible environment for the scene to take place. Through mise-en-scene it was apparent of the mans homelessness as he had dirty ripped clothing and a couple of beer bottles surrounding his bench.

To improve i would use a tripod when filming as i didn't have one which contributed to the camera being shaky in all scenes, making the task seem less fluid. I would also do more takes of each shot so i can edit the best one into the task. In the post-apocalyptic film i will put further emphasis on mise-en scene to establish the narrative and characters.


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