The book of Eli film opening analysis

The Book Of Eli Film Opening 


This sequence's narrative consists of an unknown protagonist shooting a cat with and arrow after a camera pans along a forest floor. The audience is given very little information of the situation which creates many enigmas about the unknown character and the world that the film is set. The uses Barnes' Hermeneutic code as the audience will watch on to find out what is going on and to answer the questions the opening creates


The use of props in the sequence is very effective as the gas mask keeps the protagonist's identity hidden which creates a narrative enigma that will creates a curiosity for the audience. The leaves falling creates a sense of Autumn and decay insinuating that the apocalypse has ruined the world as we know it and that decay is the "norm." There is a odd juxtaposition between the somewhat modern pistol and primitive bow and arrow. This could imply that human kind has in a way de-evolved due to the apocalyse and that technology is no longer a prominent thing is the world. 


The majority of the opening sequence is the camera tracking along the forest, it first begins with a medium shot of trees to then drift slowly to the floor, to then have a close up of a pistol. This establishes the violent theme which constantly reaccures throughout the film. The camera then moves along further to show a close up of dead body with a bullet hole in the head, implying this man has killed himself. This is significant as it shows that the world that the film is set as one that people would rather die then live in it. The camera continues to pan towards a unknown character wearing a gas mask. A POV shot from the cats perspective is used, to show the fear and confusion of the animal.There is a low angle tilt shot of the protagonist, this makes the character appear strong as if they a looming over the camera asserting their power. It is also used to show the massive decay and darkness of the environment. shows an establishing shot of a forest seemingly during august as the leaves are falling from the trees which straight away gives the perception of the approaching of the end of the year or possibly someones life.


There is very minimal editing however it is still very effective. There is one long take that lasts about a minuet which is broken down seamlessly by break cuts using the trees. The takes length allows for suspension and tension to be built up. An eye line match is used between the cat and the arrow to show that the cat is now well aware of its iminant demise. Slow motion is also used briefly on the arrow to impress the audience but also to signify that 

The lighting is low key and green, this makes the environment seem quite sickly and infected which gives the perception of the post-apocalyptic, thriller genre. There is also the repetition of a white flash in the beginning and end of the scene, it has a somewhat angelic and pure atmosphere which could foreshadow the religious importance in the film  


Slow non-diagtic music with deep percussion sounds are used in the opening sequence to establish the thriller genre. It gives a depressive tone to the film which is as recurring theme in post-apocalyptic dramas as a key convention is hopelessness. 

A sound bridge is used to as we hear the deep breathing before the tracking shot pans over to reveal the human waiting to ambush the cat. The diagetic sound of the protagonist breathing builds tension and because he is exhaling so heavily it insinuates a release is needed, or maybe there is a sense of fear or shock instilled in the character, 


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