28 Days Later closing Scene analysis

28 Days Later Closing Scene 


The sequence opens with lots of face pace cuts which provide a sense of adrenaline and ergencecy  for the scene and will also distort and worry the audience. Here the protagonist is in danger and we see Selena struggle to keep him alive.

The next shot reviles that Selena succeeded in saving the protagonist as he awakes from a slumber. The lighting here contrasts with the rest of the film as it is bright and natural, this provides a sense of hope and reflects the equilibrium in the plot as the characters are no longer in grave danger.


To begin with the characters are covered in blood which suggests danger and death, this juxtaposes with the next shot when they all look happy and healthy. The protagonist wakes up naked again, as he did in the opening but instead of it presenting him as vulnerable, he is now comfortable and safe. The cottage around them is quaint and contrasts heavily with the rest of the setting as this one is quite rural. A massive amount of tinned food is in shot whilst Jim joins Selena, this establishes the post-apocalyptic genre as food is a valuable resource and it is never fresh. It also implies that the setting provides a sense of stability for the characters and that it is their new found haven, They have made a gigantic "Hello" out of bed-sheets and curtains to make an announcement that they are there and want rescue. This shows the intelligence and resourcefulness of the characters but also how they still have hope that someone will want to aid them.


The first sounds are diagetic movements of the hospital bed and the screams of Selena, this is used to juxtapose with the silence in the next clip. The silence is oddly peaceful as for the first time in the film the protagonist is at rest and is in a relatively safe place.  Soon after there is the faint sounds of birds tweeting, complimenting the peaceful atmosphere of the sequence.

Another significant sound is the diagetic noise of the pilots voice through his communications microphone. He murmurs something, whilst the helicopter makes loud movement noises. The helicopter is not physically shown so the audience are forced to assume that this is a recuse vechical.

As the characters pull out the "hello" to signal help, fain non-diagetic music starts to play. It is calm and slow used to represent hope and that the film is now in a state of equilibrium.


To begin, there is a point of view shot from the hospital bed that crashes hectically through a pair of double doors. The next few quick cuts show a range of closes ups, all of them representing the struggle Selena went through to save the protagonist, one was of her injecting him with a needle and the other was her doing CPR. 

After this the location changes, it starts with a close up of the protagonist opening his eyes, establishing the clips before were a memory/dream.  A point of view shot is used from the plane as it  pans around the English country side in search for survivors.  The next shot is the camera shakily zooming out from a zombie, transitioning from a close up to a long shot. These shots show how weak and frail the zombies are as they can barely move their heads to inspect the noise. 

The camera again reverts back into a POV shot from the plane, showing the green mountain environment they a searching, this location contrasts with the rest of the scenery shown in the film. It shows that nature still remains intact whilst even the big city of London crumbles. 

The last shot is a close up of the protagonists face, this is used to show his hopefulness and happiness. Finally he can be at peace knowing he will be taken away from the terror that is the apocalypse. 


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