
Showing posts from 2016

Costume for the post-apocalyptic film

Costumes for the post-apocalyptic film- Planning  First costume- Male Protagonist Tracksuit trousers Old Jacket socks He then puts trainers on when he leaves the house Second Costume-  Male Protagonist (Change of scene) Camouflage coat  Cargo trousers  Wellington boots  Small Camouflage hat  Third Costume- Female Protagonist Winters hat Glasses black coat  Old boots Camouflage trousers  No makeup and uncombed hair. Fourth Costume- Bandit Balaclava Dark jumper and trousers Dark shoes Fifth Costume Dead body Black jogging bottoms and top Black unpolished boots blood on face/ Bullet wound The under of her eyes will be darkened and her face will be made paler: Here are some pictures of the clothing we already have prepared, of course upon filming we will add some dirt. However, we are going to use these clothing and the majority of them are quite worn so none of them look new. For example, the black coat is faded and the boots are extremely

Mood Board for the post-apocalyptic film opening

Mood Board for the post-apocalyptic film opening  We made this to inspire some idea's about our opening and the sort of aesthetic we will use. 

Mise-en-scene and props planning

Planning of mise-en-scene and props for the opening scene  Scene 1 This will be in the protagonists bedroom, he is unaware of that the apocalypse has happened as he wakes up dazed and confused. We will use pills boxes, needles and alcohol bottles to show how isolated the character is. It will also show how his current life is messy, chaotic and unhealthy.  The pills in use are Co-codamol, codeine Phosphate and Aspirin, these are painkillers. As the character has no medical reason to take these, he does it for the high. Amitriptyline is used to treat depressive symptoms, again suggesting the characters lost state of mind. The other box in fluoxtine which is used to treat major depressive disorders and panic disorders. Here the protagonist is a counter type of what a post-apocalyptic "hero" should be, however due to this we have humanized him and made him a character some audiences can emphasis with.  Scene 2 There will be a change in location but will stil

Weather Forecasts

Film title Scenes analysis

Film title Scenes Here is a typical arrangement of opening credits in film: PRODUCTION COMPANY presents a NAME LASTNAME production a NAME LASTNAME film "TITLE" Lead Cast Supporting Cast Casting Director Music Composer Costume Designer Associate Producers Editor(s) Production Designer Director of Photography Executive Producer Producer Writer(s) Director Catching Fire The Hunger games Catching fire is a 2013 film that is a hybridization of  post-apocalyptic, action, sci-fi, with a flair of romance. It is set in a dystopian America after a huge war. The 12 districts that make up the country  have to send teenagers to fight for the death in an arena, to remember the faults of a rebellion. Here is a timeline of when the titles appear, with the images that correspond with them. These titles last for one minuet, twenty nine second and the music Mercury- Full tilt- Convergence plays ambientently in the background. The production company appe

28 Days Later closing Scene analysis

28 Days Later Closing Scene  Editing The sequence opens with lots of face pace cuts which provide a sense of adrenaline and ergencecy  for the scene and will also distort and worry the audience. Here the protagonist is in danger and we see Selena struggle to keep him alive. The next shot reviles that Selena succeeded in saving the protagonist as he awakes from a slumber. The lighting here contrasts with the rest of the film as it is bright and natural, this provides a sense of hope and reflects the equilibrium in the plot as the characters are no longer in grave danger. Mis-en-scene To begin with the characters are covered in blood which suggests danger and death, this juxtaposes with the next shot when they all look happy and healthy. The protagonist wakes up naked again, as he did in the opening but instead of it presenting him as vulnerable, he is now comfortable and safe. The cottage around them is quaint and contrasts heavily with the rest of the setting as this on

The Book Of Eli closing scene analysis

The Book Of Eli Closing scene Mise-en-scene: The protagonists costume is significant as he is dressed in all white which makes him look almost angelic which mirrors his faithful and committed character and even presents him as the messenger of God that he is implied to be. He is now baud and clean shaven, this physical change to his appearance makes Eli look younger and untouched by the cruel world that he had to endure, it almost looks like he is preparing himself to go to heaven.  Endless amounts of bible pages that Eli has mouthed out are a significant prop as it shows Eli's decadaction to his faith, bring able to remember the entirety of the Holy book. In the next shot the bible is now being printed as Eli must have finished his task, there are multiple being printed showing that the bible can now be given to all people that need it and that it isn't to be kept in isolation with Eli anymore. In a later shot the bible is placed on a shelf with all the other religious

The Narrative of out post-apocalyptic fim opening

The Narratives The story starts showing a depressed, disorientated man, it will be shown through a pan that he has taken many drugs and downed himself in alcohol. He has received a text from his mum, sent three days ago, in the text it is shown she is worried. The protagonist then gets out of bed, confused and curious he heads outside. He finds that the world is abandoned. A newspaper flutters past him, the title explains what has happened in the characters lost days.   He figures out that the meat people have been eating, is humans from over-populated countries that big companies have been labelling as beef. Luckily, the protagonist is a vegetarian and has not been affect with addiction and infect that the majority of people have now succumb to. In a state of worry the man takes out his phone and rings his mother, after a view brings the line goes flat. The flat line is a sound bridge that moves on to the title of the film. The scene has changed, the protagonist is in a wo

The Road Closing scene analysis

The Road Closing scene  Editing  The lighting in this sequence is low-key which creates a high contrast between the brightest parts of scene and the darkest parts. This gives an authenticity to the scene and a sense of realism for the audience. It also provides an atmosphere of despair which compliments the dreary tone of the scenery.Although, the lighting also looks as if all the color has been drained as there is a grey tinge to the scene, this reflects the mood of the setting as there is not life or happiness, just survival.  A shot reverse shot is used between the young boy and a woman who wants to take him in. The boys face is apprehensive as he has never trusted another human being apart from his papa.  Mise-en-scene The boys costumes are significant as he is wearing over sized and worn clothing. This is used to show the little resources that the character has as the hat is obviously not his size but he wears it anyway to stay protected from the cold, harsh setting

I am Legend Closing scene analysis

I Am Legend Closing Scene  Editing A shot reverse shot is used between the protagonist and the women as he explains that he has given her the cure and that he will sacrifice himself for them and the future of humanity. This is used to show the emotional exchange between the characters which is used to provoke sadness  from the audience as they have watched their relationship grow and they will now watch it end. Will Smith is presented as the cliche hero, yet he doesn't get the cliche ending as he dies. There is the use of low key lighting that has an orange tinge to it because of the chaotic fire. The scene looks dark which reflects the mood of the sequence as the protagonist is about to die which also implies the genre as one of the key conventions is devastation. Once the grenade it lit, the camera is engulfed with flames and then dissolves to a white flash. This white flash is almost angelic and could represent how the protagonist "sees the light" often some

Audience and Demographic research

Audience and Demographic Demographic information is used in media marketing to classify an audience into groups such a gender, age, ethnicity and other categories. Demographics are broken into bands depending on peoples jobs and status as shown in the table below. Even further down i am looking at the stereotypical demographic of post-apocalyptic films. Stereotypical fans of The Road:  Stereotypical fans of I Am Legend: Stereotypical  fans of The Book Of Eli: The Typical Audience   From this research i have concluded that the the demographic for my post-apocalyptic film will be Males that are between the ages of 40-54 and in the social grade of ABC 1. The majority of people who watch post-apocalyptic films are males because they are more attracted to the dark themes and violence that are accompanied  with that genre.  The reason for older people being more attracted to this film could be the complicated plots and deep characters that