Promotion using the internet and social media


The internet is an amazing tool for films to promote themselves as it will reach a large audience, this is because 74% of people aged 16-65 use social media. This covers a range of people and even allows for there to be more interaction between the makers and the audience through things such as forums and comment sections on videos and trailers. The internet is free to use, making it also easier for small interdependent companies to raise awareness of their film which they wouldn't be able to do as traditional forms of media are more expensive and without funds cannot reach a massive audience. 


Here is the website for the hit sci-fi film Jurassic World, it features a trailer and a gallery of the film. This is used to give a tasters of what the film is about but still leaving some enigmas. A website will also generate hype for the film as it will reach many people from may different parts of the world.

This website is easily accessible to all as it was the third link down after its Wikipedia page and IMDB review. A website also proves the credibility of the film and if it is of high quality will gain the trust of the audience. other positives of a website is the producers are very much in control of what is shown and what is not, but also it can allow you to target ideal customers. For example if your target audience is children then you can make a website with games and quizzers which will peak their interest or if you are advertising to women have Chis Pratt (The star of Jurassic World) to be the front man of your website as he is stereotypicaly attractive.

 This is the website for the film The Girl With All The Gifts, which is a post-apocalyptic movie which has just recently been released to the cinema. Which had a budget of £million and made 14 million USD. It had a low budget for a film, so the best way to advertise it and raise awareness was to promote it online. 
Other websites reviewed the film with high ratings which raised the credibility of the small films and based off other peoples opions made other people see the film. 

Social Media

 Social media allows for audiences to engage and connect withe marketers, In a way that would be impossible in the past. I Am Legend made a Facebook page and even though the film was released in 2007 the page is still active and fans still comment on pictures and statues posted. Films can also like and promote other films to the  followers and audience, this creates synergy between the two films. On the Deadpool there is a  also give away of merchandise to fans that follow the page. This provides interaction but the also advertises the merchandise of the film, maybe persuading people who didn't win to still get a T-shirt or Collectible figure.  


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