

My name is Hollie Wistow i am 16 years old and i take combined English, sociology and media studies at Ashfield  post 16 center. I currently live in Alfreton with my huge family and at times is cramped but the house is always filled with food so i'm not complaining. I have a twin sister who is the complete opposite of me and is studying childcare at Chesterfield collage.

I have an extensive list of interests which consist of; Scribbling which i call art, football which i am terrible at and spend more time on the floor from being shoved over then playing on the pitch. During the six weeks holiday i did my silver Duke of Edinburgh expedition which overall was an alright experience but a person in my group couldn't stop dribbling which was slightly off putting. There where many amazing views and the people who live in the countryside are much more friendly then city folk.The weather there was horrendous and by the end of the first day my entire boot was filled with muddy water and with every step i took i could hear a loud squelch.

I have always had an interest in film even when i was younger me and my friends would make "horror" films, using ketchup as blood. As i got older i still wanted to produce films and that is the reason i am doing media studies as an A-level.

I enjoy many types of film genres. My favorite films are The silence of the lamb, The Harry Potter series and Taken. I like intense films with engaging characters but i also appreciate a good comedy like Hot Fuzz.
Image result for hot fuzz swan


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