Editing Techniques

Editing Techniques

Action match- A shot that cuts to a continuing piece of action movement between shots. This allows the audience to see a smooth action despite a cut in the shot. For example walking through a door. It prevents the audience from losing anytime. And allows the shot to flow uninterrupted. 
180 Degree rule- Is a cinematography guideline that states two characters in the same scene should maintain the same left/right relationship to one another. When the camera passes over the line of vision connecting the two subjects.
Image result for 180 degree rule

Shot/reverse shot-Cutting between two people having a conversation (rather than including them both in one shot –more like use over the shoulder shots) it helps create contrast between the characters and used to present the body language and emotion to the audience
Image result for shot reverse shot
Cross cutting (parallel editing) - Where the editor cuts between two separate scenes happening in two different locations. This shows a link or contrast between them.
Image result for cross cutting film

Jump cut- It’s a shot within the same scene that moves to another part of the scene but misses a bit out. It can draw attention to certain aspects of the scene. If the character is thinking about something and then the editor cuts to another character or prop…it can be assumed that’s what the character is thinking about. Often used to disorientated the viewer or show how the disorientated the character is.
Image result for jump cut example

Fast Pace Cuts- These are shots that change quickly. This creates fast pace for the scene and builds excitement for the audience.
Image result for fast pace cuts

Wipe- A way of transitioning from shot to shot, used to move the action on without using a jump cut. Make the scene look clean.
Image result for wipe in film

Dissolve- This is when the first shot is on scene and the second shot starts appearing on top of it more and more until you can see the second shot Often used to link to shots together.
Image result for dissolve film

Visual effects- Often depend on the characters reactions to these special effects are. For example a man who has no reaction to an explosion is seen to be masculine. Graphics can be seen on screen e.g. CGI.
Image result for cgi before and after

Split screen-The cinema screen splits into more than one part.
Image result for Split screen in film

Graphic Match- A cut from one shot to another that look visually the same (possibly linked by similar shape or color) they show a link between the objects either metaphorically or to create continuity.
Image result for graphic match cut

Slow motion-is an effect in film-making whereby time appears to be slowed down
Image result for Slow motion


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