Recce Shots Of Locations

Recce Shots Of Locations 

The first location is in the protagonists bedroom which is small and will be covered with pill boxes, beer bottles and dirty clothing to show the reclusive nature of the character. He will get up and walk through his house which is normal and quite. At this point the apocalypse has only just happened so the setting is quite unchanged other than the lack of people. 

This location will be when Luke is walking to his mothers house in search of answers, again a relativity normal location. 

When walking to his mothers house the protagonist briefly passes through a graveyard to get there. We decided we are going to use this location because it is ominous and foreshadows death. The weather forecast for the day we are shooting will be cloudy so it will look more dreary and dark than is does in these photo.

For the Post apocalyptic setting we are going to go into a public forest, it isn't very busy so the likely hood of many unwanted people being in shot is slim. We decided to use this location because it links well to an apocalypse setting, it is dark because of the trees, dreary because we are in winter but also dirty and unkempt which makes it look abandoned and un-cared for, like it be would in the situation the characters are in. 

The final setting will be on a friends back garden so that we will be able to set a fire legally. It is also consistent with the atmosphere of the other setting because it to is dirty, damp and looks like nobody has cared for it in a while. The camera will be angled subtly as to not get the neighbors houses of gardens in shot which would ruin the mise-en-scene. 

Potential locations

For the wooded location we considered filing in a different forest due to the abandoned car and the amplified green colors of the trees. However, the main road close by would cause disruption and would take away from the isolation the opening is going to portray. This wood is also harder to access and often has people walking through it. 


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