Progress Of script writing

The Script:

This is something for the actors to follow when we film. All stage directions are in blue. 

Scene 1: 

No dialogue

 (Luke gets out of bed, slowly puts on a jacket, walks down stairs through the kitchen and unlocks the door. He leaves the house) 

Scene 2:

(Luke walks to his mothers house.)

 Luke: Mum! (Door knock) Mum! (Door Knock)

(There is no answer)

Luke dials phone which goes to the answering machine: Hello its Marie, i'm sorry i can't get to the phone right now. Please leave a message.... (loud beep)

Scene 3: 

No diagetic talking but a narration from Luke

(Both characters are walking apprehensively) 

(The see a dead body and approach it, Madeline rummages through its pockets and hands Luke a wallet full of money, he throws it away. She hands him a lighter. Luke lights it to see if it works) 

Luke's narration: (Have done on separate post as it is the most important speech) 

Scene 4:

(Both characters are stood around a fire, it fades out) 

Luke: The fire has gone out again.

Madeline: (sighs) I will go and get some more wood (Walks out of shot)

Madeline: (Screams from a distance) 

Bandit: (Walks towards Luke with knife around Madeline's neck)  Give me the bag now! 

Luke: Give me the girl and i'll give you the bag.

Bandit: No, give me the bag or i will kill her.

(Madeline stamps on Bandit's foot and they scream, Luke tackles them) 

Luke (Grasping the Bandits neck): Are you a cannibal? 

Bandit: No. 

Luke: They why did you come after me and my friends? (Getting angry) 

Bandit: I wanted your supplies.

Luke: Get your own supplies. 

(End shot of Luke punching the bandit)


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