Foley Research


Foley is when sound effects and are added after the shooting of a media product. They are recorded separately and added post-production. The technique originates from Jack Foley who established this editing technique and is used still to this day. Foley adds aural depth to a film making the audio have more clarity fidelity. Foley artists are needed to give films more life and to make the world that is created more authentic and real to the audience instead of it appearing as if the actors are speaking into a vacuum in which only their voices are heard. Foley also gives the crew more control of the sounds they use, they are able to edit the volume, clarity and depth of the sound which would be harder if the audio was not separated from the dialogue. Foley is also used in history documentaries to supplement audio where there is little. They can also enhance comedy films using the Foley as the joke or in action film to create the correct sounds for a fight scene. 

Image result for FoleyWe may use Foley in our own production for example when the protagonist is hitting the bandit we could record someone hitting a joint of beef to show the smacking sound but also some celery snapping to show that a bone has broken in the process.

Foley is done by professional artists that stand on a stage accompanied with a variety of appropriate props. They do this in a special Foley studio, where they see the footage of what they must add sound too. They perform the sounds at the same time that they happen on screen. For example, if someone if being punched on screen the Foley artist will hit something like raw meat at the same time of impact. Or someone walking with boots on pavement and the rustling of clothing. 

Image result for Foley


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