Character Profiles

Character profiles

Name: Luke Whittaker

Character name: Luke Whittaker

Real Age: 16

Character age: 18

Character Background: Before the apocalypse Luke was a heavy drinker and took drugs frequently. He would post-pone his problems and alienate himself from the outside world due to his spiraling addiction. The people around him attempted to aid him however they where not successful in their attempts. During the beginning of the apocalypse Luke is unaware to it happening as he is in a self-inflicted, drug-induced coma. He receives worried texts from his mother showing that people cared about him, however soon he finds that the majority of people are dead. Regretting the way he lived before the apocalypse, Luke is now a self-sufficient man that is able to avoid the cannibals that now infect the world.  On his travels he meets Madeline and they develop a strong friendship and are able to survive with one another. He is a flawed person that is trying to redeem himself in a place with little morals. 

Name: Madeleine Patrick

Character name: Madeleine Patrick

Real age: 17

Character age: 20

Character Background: As a fellow vegetarian Madeleine is free from the cannibalistic tendencies that inflict the rest of the world. Her family died at the feral hands of other humans and finds it hard to trust other people, however she finds conform it her friendship and bond with Luke. Although, they help each other survive Madeline is not reliant on Luke and is able to prove that she is a strong interdependent woman. She is not confined by her gender and does not allow herself to be a victim. 

Name: Sarah Tennant

Character name: N/A

Real age: 16

Character age: N/A

Character Background: This character is a victim of the apocalypse, however it is an enigma if her death is self-inflicted due to her inability to survive and live in such a harsh world. Or if she has been shot by someone else. She has not been eaten which implies whom ever the blame falls on is not a cannibal. 

Name: Hollie Wistow

Character name: NA 

Real age: 17

Character age: NA

Character Background: This character is also not a cannibal however they still attack Madeline and Luke in order to steal their supplies. The majority of this character is an enigma as they wear all black and cover their face with a mask which distorts the features. 


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