
Showing posts from October, 2016

Promotion using the internet and social media

PROMOTION USING THE INTERNET AND SOCIAL MEDIA The internet is an amazing tool for films to promote themselves as it will reach a large audience, this is because 74% of people aged 16-65 use social media. This covers a range of people and even allows for there to be more interaction between the makers and the audience through things such as forums and comment sections on videos and trailers. The internet is free to use, making it also easier for small interdependent companies to raise awareness of their film which they wouldn't be able to do as traditional forms of media are more expensive and without funds cannot reach a massive audience.  WEBSITES  Here is the website for the hit sci-fi film Jurassic World, it features a trailer and a gallery of the film. This is used to give a tasters of what the film is about but still leaving some enigmas. A website will also generate hype for the film as it will reach many people from may different parts of the world. This websi

Sound in film

Sound in film Non-Diegetic : Is sound that doesn't belong in the film world and is a sound that the characters cannot hear. For example the voice over in The Roads opening sequence.  Diegetic - This is sound that exists in the film world and can be heard by the characters. For example dialogue and ambient sound.  Parallel sound-  when the sounds on screen go hand in hand with what is happening in the scene. The sound is synced with the action going off on screen. For example  Contrapuntal - This is sound which contrasts or doesn't match what is happening on screen. It is used to confuse and disorientate the audience. An example of this is in Deadpool in which there is a brutal murder scene with the song  Angel of the Morning playing in the background.  Sound Bridge-  This is when music or sounds are carried from one scene to another. It is used to create a link between scenes or to make a smooth transition.    Movie Music Role played Effectiv

Power and distribution in film

POWER AND DISTRIBUTION IN FILM The film industry is massive which raises the question of who controls and holds the power in this institution? It can be argued that the top companies hold the power such as     20th Century Fox ,  Paramount Pictures  and  Light storm  Entertainment  who are  the primary source of the  most commercially successful movies in the world , such as  Gone with the Wind  (1939),  Star Wars  (1977),  Titanic  (1997), and  Avatar  (2009). These  industry's make control the content of the film and therefor what the audience see.    Distribution:   Distribution is the third part of the film supply chain. It is about releasing and sustaining films in the market place, however there is a huge amount of money and time put into distributing a movie.    This is normally the task of a professional  film distributor , who would determine the marketing strategy for the film, the media by which a film is to be exhibited or made available for viewing, When a di

Costume research

Costumes  Costume design  is the fabrication of clothing for the overall appearance of a character or performer.  Costume  is specific in the style of dress particular to a nation, a class, or a period. The most basic  designs  are produced to denote status, provide protection or modesty, or simply decorate a character. Period Dramas  In period dramas clothing not only establishes the time period in which it is for example in the film Pride & Prejudice we know it is set in the 18th century due to the corsets and long elligent dresses, but also let the audience know the status and class of the characters due to the quality of the clothing. For example in the musical Les Miserable Fantines costumes show her  decent from factory worker to consumptive prostitute, it shows her at times wearing dirty mended clothes which reflect her characters position in society. The people within these films wear clothing suitable for the time as a mini skirt would be highly inappropriate for

Camera shots from post-apocalyptic films

Camera shots from post-apocalyptic films  28 Days Later:  The Book Of Eli

Mise-en-scene in 28 days later

MISE-EN-SCENE  28 Days Later The Book Of Eli

Book Of Eli Documentary

Book Of Eli Documentary  In class we both watched the Book Of Eli and then the documentary, this helped gain insight on the genre and the themes that run through the film. It posed the questions; How would we strive to maintain our humanity? Who would guide us? Who would lead us into the future? How would we rebuild the new world? These all link to the genre as the world is often in a hopeless chaos in post-apocalyptic films,  In the documentary the producer describes the majority of people as the "Walking Dead" as they are numb and dazed. These people have lost their senses and live in a cloudy haze. Its almost as if they are like the zombies we see in many other post-apocalyptic films but instead of losing themselves physically, it is infact their own mental state. It could be inferred that Zombies are a metaphor for people losing their humanity.  The Book Of Eli suggests that the key to survival in a dystopian world is to develop skill sets such as hunting b

Money made from post apocalyptic films in comparison with other films from the same year

Money made from post apocalyptic films compared to other films from that year Money made from 2010 films  The book of Eli:   The book of Eli is a post-apocalyptic action film released in 2010 and was directed by Allen and Albert Hughes. It was set in a dystopian future and stared Denzel Washington and Gary Oldman. Budget : $80,000,000 (estimated) Opening Weekend : £1,232,001 (UK) (15 January 2010) Gross : $94,822,707 (USA) (7 May 2010) Inception: Inception is a sci-fi action films and gained high reviews and grossed a massive profit.It stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.     Budget : $160,000,000 (estimated) Opening Weekend : £5,912,814 (UK) (16 July 2010) Gross : $292,568,851 (USA) (31 December 2010) Money made from 2002 films    28 Days later: 28 Days Later is zombie film that was directed by Danny Boy

Conventions of the Post-Apocalyptic genre

Conventions of the Post-apocalyptic genre  Levi Stratuss (Binary Opposites)  Levi Stratuss came up with the theory in which there are a pair of related terms or concepts that are opposite in meaning. They are an opposite set of values which reveal the structure of media texts. For example is Good and Evil and Life and Death. The values do not contradict one another but instead complement each other. The theory suggests you can't have one without the other maybe in a symmetrical way.  Another example is Heaven and Hell.  The post-apocalyptic genre is a very diverse as many different people have different takes on how the world ends. This gives many writers creative freedom within the genre. However whilst the genre  maybe diverse it still has typical conventions which are: A lack of people/ abandonment  Devastation both man-made (28 Days Later) and natural (The Road) A loss of humanity/ morals (such as cannibalism and murder) Elements of faith and biblical referen

Film Classifications research

Film Classification  U (universal) U rated films are ones that are suitable for audiences aged four and over. However it is impossible to predict what a child might find frightening or inappropriate, that may be up to the parents.If there is any violence or horror in a U rated film, it should be over quickly and the film should tell children that it will have a happy ending. An example of a U rated film is lion king. This is a animated film from Disney studios and contains a death which isn't gruesome or violent.    There are no examples of post- apocalyptic films that are rated U this is because most films of that genre contain themes not suitable for young children.   PG (Parental guidance) This rating is for children eight or older and is seen to a general viewing rating.A PG tells parents that the content within the film may upset young and sensitive children. An example of a PG rated film is Shrek forever after is the fourth installment of the famous Shre