
Showing posts from January, 2017

Video Diary

Video Diary Here are just a few short behind the scenes clips of us briefly rounding up what we did when filming.

Production Company Logo Design

Production Company Logo Design I first drew it on design software.  I then edited on some copyright free sounds whilst adding a glow effect. 

Post-Apocalyptic film opening storyboard


Sound Planning

Sound Planning Scene 1: All sound in this scene is diegetic The pan at the beginning is accompanied by silence- This is used to build tension and allows  the audience to focus on the mise en scene of the sequence.- Diegetic The next clip is Luke getting up there will be a quite rustling of bed sheets - Diegetic There will be a phone opening click sound when Luke reads the texts from his mother- Diegetic   Next there will be a sound of Luke pulling up his zip- Diegetic sound of Luke running downstairs-Diegetic sound of key in door- Diegetic sound of door opening- Diegetic sound of door closing - Diegetic Scene 2: all sound in this scene is diegetic Silence other than birds tweeting- This is used to emphasise the abandonment - Diegetic Loud footsteps- Exaggerates the silence- Diegetic Knocking on a door- As well as Luke shouting for his mother- Diegetic The sound of the pulling out of the newspapers- Diegetic The sound of the Phone being dialled which is followed by a

Character Profiles

Character profiles Name : Luke Whittaker Character name : Luke Whittaker Real Age: 16 Character age : 18 Character Background : Before the apocalypse Luke was a heavy drinker and took drugs frequently. He would post-pone his problems and alienate himself from the outside world due to his spiraling addiction. The people around him attempted to aid him however they where not successful in their attempts. During the beginning of the apocalypse Luke is unaware to it happening as he is in a self-inflicted, drug-induced coma. He receives worried texts from his mother showing that people cared about him, however soon he finds that the majority of people are dead. Regretting the way he lived before the apocalypse, Luke is now a self-sufficient man that is able to avoid the cannibals that now infect the world.  On his travels he meets Madeline and they develop a strong friendship and are able to survive with one another. He is a flawed person that is trying to redeem himself in a

Foley Research

Foley Foley is when sound effects and are added after the shooting of a media product. They are recorded separately and added post-production. The technique originates from Jack Foley who established this editing technique and is used still to this day. Foley adds aural depth to a film making the audio have more clarity fidelity. Foley artists are needed to give films more life and to make the world that is created more authentic and real to the audience instead of it appearing as if the actors are speaking into a vacuum in which only their voices are heard. Foley also gives the crew more control of the sounds they use, they are able to edit the volume, clarity and depth of the sound which would be harder if the audio was not separated from the dialogue. Foley is also used in history documentaries to supplement audio where there is little. They can also enhance comedy films using the Foley as the joke or in action film to create the correct sounds for a fight scene.  We may use Fol

Progress Of script writing

The Script: This is something for the actors to follow when we film. All stage directions are in blue.  Scene 1:  No dialogue   (Luke gets out of bed, slowly puts on a jacket, walks down stairs through the kitchen and unlocks the door. He leaves the house)  Scene 2: (Luke walks to his mothers house.)   Luke: Mum! (Door knock) Mum! (Door Knock) (There is no answer) Luke dials phone which goes to the answering machine: Hello its Marie, i'm sorry i can't get to the phone right now. Please leave a message.... (loud beep) Scene 3:  No diagetic talking but a narration from Luke (Both characters are walking apprehensively)   (The see a dead body and approach it, Madeline rummages through its pockets and hands Luke a wallet full of money, he throws it away. She hands him a lighter. Luke lights it to see if it works)  Luke's narration: (Have done on separate post as it is the most important speech)  Scene 4: (Both characters are stood around a fir

Recce Shots Of Locations

Recce Shots Of Locations  The first location is in the protagonists bedroom which is small and will be covered with pill boxes, beer bottles and dirty clothing to show the reclusive nature of the character. He will get up and walk through his house which is normal and quite. At this point the apocalypse has only just happened so the setting is quite unchanged other than the lack of people.  This location will be when Luke is walking to his mothers house in search of answers, again a relativity normal location.  When walking to his mothers house the protagonist briefly passes through a graveyard to get there. We decided we are going to use this location because it is ominous and foreshadows death. The weather forecast for the day we are shooting will be cloudy so it will look more dreary and dark than is does in these photo. For the Post apocalyptic setting we are going to go into a public forest, it isn't very busy so the likely hood of many unwanted peo