How we will represent social groups in our film opening

Representation of gender

Within our film opening, the main character will be a male because he will spend more time on screen. However, halfway trough the opening, a female character will be introduced she is the supporting character and apart of the main cast.

One way in which we will to represent gender is by presenting females in a positive light. In order to do this we will link her representation to the mise-en-scene of the opening. For example, the scene where there will be a dead body, we will use a medium shot of the female character walking towards the body before the man so as to prove that she's strong and not afraid.She helps scavenge the bodies pockets proving further she is not squirmish.

Additionally, to this we will use long shots of the man and woman walking side by side to imply that they are equally important. As part of the mise-en-scene we want to implement a heavy backpack. To show her strength and power, the female protagonist will carry the backpack to prove that she is just as physically fit as a man and doesn't actually reply on him in any way. Showing that women can be self-sufficient and interdependent. 

Toward the end of our opening, we hope to include a fight scene. Ideally, we want the bandit to threaten the male protagonist into giving their bag of supplies away by holding the female character hostage. As cliché as it may seem with the male trying to save a woman, the female will initiate her freedom by attacking the bandit in some way to make way for the male character to begin a more intense fight. Signifying that women can fight back and that she is not another damsel in distress trope.   

With regards to representation of males, long shots of the fight scene will provide a chance for him to prove he's also a strong character. The plan is for the protagonist to win the fight. As well as this, close up shots of the males face when he loses the female character will show a fearful and confused expression. This will counter the stereotypical hero stock character because giving him emotion humanises him and shows that both men and women reply on each other to feel safe, rather than the typical idea that only women are dependent. The male character is further made into a beleveiable character through his drug addiction. At first, he will be seen as someone who's life is a complete and utter mess however after the time jump towards the apocalyse it is shown that he can take care of himself and even others through defending the female, fighting for himself and generally surving. 

Representation of age

Within our film opening, all the actors will be young. Mainly this is because the only people we can get in our film are around 16-17.

Having teens in the opening gives a positive representation of this age group because it shows that they are strong and able to cope in the harsh post-apocalyptic environment. Low angles will be used to look up to the characters perhaps to show their importance despite only being young. Typically we would expect older people in a film but that isn't do able for our group so we want to suggest that the actors are still as important as an older actor would be considered to be. 


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