I am Legend film opening analysis

I Am Legend Film Opening


In the opening sequence we are given little information about the narrative. Other then a massive sense of emptiness to what should be a highly populated city. It seems as though the protagonist and his dog are hunting for animals in the urban city. Many narrative enigmas are created for the plot in the opening scene, it makes the audience question how the apocalypse has happened? Why the protagonist is on his own? 


The setting is very important in this scene due to the abandonment and desolate environment. What was a well established city is now an over grown urban jungle, showing that due to the apocalypse nature has taken over. The green of the rural environment is placed to contrast the grey of the urban environment; to show that civilization has long since passed. The billboards add a sense of sadness ot scene because it shows the world we use to live in, one that cared about materialist possessions instead of just surviving in a harsh world. Some of the skyscrapers are covered in plastic, this is due to the virus being airborne so the army quafinteend these buildings. 

Props are also significant in mise-en-scene for example the protagonist is seen with an impressive rifle which foreshadows future violence as it insinuates that he will need it. Again this will draw questions into viewers minds as they will question who or what is he using it against?


The majority of the opening scene is establishing shots showing the majestic abandoned city and implying the isolation of the world as city are usually connotated with busyness and overpopulation, the entire opposite of what it is like in the film. There is also a rare birds eye view shot which tracks the car at the very beginning of the scene before we are introduced to the protagonist. 

Close ups are used on both the protagonists face and his dog to introduce them as significant characters. There is a close up a rifle, creating a uneasy atmosphere of danger. 

There is also a few POV shots used through the protagonists sniper scope, the audience gets to see the world through the protagonists eyes.


There is not a whole lot of editing in this opening scene. The shots are fairly long, which makes the environment seem calm when it is being introduced. However when the deer are introduced the editing gets quicker to add intensity to the sequence. There are eye line matches between the dog and the protagonist to show the connection between them. 


In the opening sequence no non-diagetic sound is used, and very little diagetic sound. To begin with the only sounds are the roaring of the car engine, which is significant as it juxtaposes the lifelessness of what a big urban city like that "should" be, It implies the desolation of the environment and that the protagonist is entirely alone as he is the only human making noise. However, the other diagetic sounds are that of nature such as the deer running or the tweeting and flapping of the birds. This promotes a big convention of post-apocalyptic films as it shows that nature has taken over as they are the dominant sound. 


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