Audience and Media

Audience and Media


Genres offer at set of pleasures:

Emotional pleasures- Generated for  a strong audience response to provoke emotion from the viewers.
Visceral Pleasures - Visceral pleasures are 'gut' responses and are defined by how the film's stylistic construction elicits a physical effect upon its audience. This can be a feeling of revulsion, kinetic speed or a 'roller coaster ride'. For example the jump scare in I Am Legend where a deer suddenly comes in shot.
Intellectual Puzzles - Here the pleasure stems from a mystery that captures the audience. The viewers wish to discover the enigmas presented on screen. A good example of this is Sherlock Homes.

Roland Barthes:

Voice of  Truth- Hermeneutic code where things are not entirety explained and the loose ends are tied up at the end. Makes the audience ask questions either consciously or subconsciously .
Empirical voice ( Proairetic code)- How tension is build in the narrative referring to any other action or event that indicates something else is going to happen, and which hence gets the viewer guessing as to what will happen next.

Uses and gratifications theory
A theory that suggests the audience use media for their own personal needs, these needs are:

  • Self Identity
  • Education
  • Entertainment 
  • Social interaction

Hypodermic syringe:
The media inject the audience and they passively absorb it like a sponge.The media is much like a drug and the audience is addicted and must get their next fix.  


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