
Showing posts from November, 2016

Preliminary Storyboard

Preliminary storyboard

28 Days later film opening analysis

28 Days Later Film Opening  Plot- The audience are given very little about the films narrative from the opening sequence all that they will know is that a containsous virus that causes rage is now out in the open. The very beginning contains newsflashes of violence other humans cause to one another and riots. Here this will create a sense of foreshadowing of extreme violence and establishes the thriller element of the genre. The camera pans out to an chimpanzee obviously being experimented on against its will. Animal rights activists burst through the door claiming they will free all the chimps that are held prisoner at the facility. A scientist comes to warn them about their actions however they ignore him and release a chimp. This chimp violently kill a women and begins the spread of the virus.  Mise-en-scene- There are many props in the scene which are experiment tools which are used to show the professional setting.There is a dead money layed cut open on an operating

The book of Eli film opening analysis

The Book Of Eli Film Opening  Plot-  This sequence's narrative consists of an unknown protagonist shooting a cat with and arrow after a camera pans along a forest floor. The audience is given very little information of the situation which creates many enigmas about the unknown character and the world that the film is set. The uses Barnes' Hermeneutic code as the audience will watch on to find out what is going on and to answer the questions the opening creates .  Mise-en-scene- The use of props in the sequence is very effective as the gas mask keeps the protagonist's identity hidden which creates a narrative enigma that will creates a curiosity for the audience. The leaves falling creates a sense of Autumn and decay insinuating that the apocalypse has ruined the world as we know it and that decay is the "norm." There is a odd juxtaposition between the somewhat modern pistol and primitive bow and arrow. This could imply that human kind has in a way d

I am Legend film opening analysis

I Am Legend Film Opening Plot- In the opening sequence we are given little information about the narrative. Other then a massive sense of emptiness to what should be a highly populated city. It seems as though the protagonist and his dog are hunting for animals in the urban city. Many narrative enigmas are created for the plot in the opening scene, it makes the audience question how the apocalypse has happened? Why the protagonist is on his own?  Mise-en-scene- The setting is very important in this scene due to the abandonment and desolate environment. What was a well established city is now an over grown urban jungle, showing that due to the apocalypse nature has taken over.  The green of the rural environment is placed to contrast the grey of the urban environment; to show that civilization  has long since passed. The billboards add a sense of sadness ot scene  because it shows the world we use to live in, one that cared about materialist   possessions  instead of just

Women in film

Women in Film  The number of men and women in the world is roughly equal having men take up 50.4% of the population and women 49.6%. However the film world does not mirror the real world as 29% of major roles are females. This is a significant under-representation, and even when women are in film they are typically objectified and stereotyped. For example in the popular film Skyfall  Berenice Marlohe's character received  a staring role in which she is only used for sex, as her character  informs  Bond of her past as a sex slave and tells him that she is a victim of sexual assault . He the process  to take a shower with her in the next film.  Women are often portrayed in a passive role and can be in film just to be visual pleasure for male audiences . Film has become a mirror of society’s view of the female body.  Women are more likely to be shown in "sexual" attire  (25.8% of female compared to 4.7% of men).  The representation of women tends to be stereotypical  ra