
Showing posts from September, 2016

Audience and Media

Audience and Media Altman: Genres offer at set of pleasures: Emotional pleasures - Generated for  a strong audience response to provoke emotion from the viewers. Visceral Pleasures - Visceral pleasures are 'gut' responses and are defined by how the film's stylistic construction elicits a physical effect upon its audience. This can be a feeling of revulsion, kinetic speed or a 'roller coaster ride'. For example the jump scare in I Am Legend where a deer suddenly comes in shot. Intellectual Puzzles - Here the pleasure stems from a mystery that captures the audience. The viewers wish to discover the enigmas presented on screen. A good example of this is Sherlock Homes. Roland Barthes: Voice of  Truth - Hermeneutic code where things are not entirety explained and the loose ends are tied up at the end. Makes the audience ask questions either consciously or subconsciously . Empirical voice ( Proairetic code ) - How tension is build in the narrative referri